Commander Urges Popular Front against Cultural Threats

Commander Urges Popular Front against Cultural Threats

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari once again cautioned against the enemy’s soft threats against Iran, saying a widespread, grass roots cultural front should be shaped to counter those threats.

Speaking in a cultural ceremony on Monday, Major General Jafari echoed Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei’s warning against the enemies’ cultural and soft threats, saying the IRGC forces bear much of the responsibility to tackle the menace.

The commander also underlined that effective confrontation with the cultural threats requires a “spontaneous and widespread” move by the nation.

Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has on various occasions warned against the hostile moves by enemies of Iran to damage the country’s cultural values, and urged authorities to deal with the issue of cultural onslaught in a wise and calculated manner.

Earlier in March, Major General Jafari had announced that the IRGC has prepared the required plans for dealing with soft threats.

“Different sections of the IRGC… have prepared the necessary plans for confronting these (soft) threats,” he said at the time.

He noted that the key threats against the Islamic Revolution of Iran are soft threats in cultural, social and political areas “which the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution has referred to as a cultural onslaught”.

General Jafari stated that the main objective behind the soft threats is infiltrating people’s heart, primarily by the means of the media.

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