Commander: US Made Strategic Mistake on Iran Nuclear Issue

Commander: US Made Strategic Mistake on Iran Nuclear Issue

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran will not give in to the US pressures over its peaceful nuclear energy program, noted a high-ranking Iranian military commander saying that that Washington made a ‘strategic mistake’ over the issue .

The US will not be able to force Iran into changing its course, said Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri on Monday.

“On the issue of nuclear energy (program) and sanctions (against Iran), Washington has made a strategic mistake based on a strategic illusion, supposing it could make the Islamic Republic of Iran change its behavior,” he underscored.

Commenting on Washington’s attempts to put pressure on Iranian negotiators for compromises in the nuclear talks, the Iranian commander said : “We will not let the Americans and others cross our red lines and will confront them if necessary.”

Despite knowing that Iran’s military and defense capabilities are red lines that cannot be crossed, the US is trying to apply pressure on Tehran in the nuclear negotiations to get concessions, Jazayeri stated, alluding to the West’s demands that Iran limit its missile programs.   

The latest round of negotiations between Iran and the group of six world powers – Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany - on Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program concluded without any tangible progress in the Austrian capital of Vienna on Friday.

This round of marathon talks was aimed at drafting a comprehensive nuclear deal. The two parties inked a six-month deal on Tehran’s nuclear activities in Switzerland on November 24, 2013.

Earlier this month, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei lashed out at the West for its “irrational and unwise” behavior during the nuclear negotiations with Iran, and stated that the behavior signifies the westerners’ ultimate failure in their confrontation with the Iranian nation.

The Leader also rejected the West’s call for Iran’s missile program to be restricted and said the demand is ‘foolish’ while the West is threatening Iran militarily.

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