AEOI Chief: Germany Cooperating with US in Iran Nuclear Sabotage

AEOI Chief: Germany Cooperating with US in Iran Nuclear Sabotage

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi accused Germany on Wednesday of complicity with the US in plotting “industrial sabotage” to impair the country’s nuclear activities.

“Before shipping the nuclear equipment to Iran, Germany had dispatched them to the US to carry out industrial sabotage and then sent them to Iran,” Ali Akbar Salehi said in a television talk show on Wednesday morning.

The official also pointed a finger of blame at “certain East Asian countries” for getting involved with the sabotage plan.

He further noted that the plots against Iran’s nuclear activities prompted the country to make great progress in identifying deficiencies.

“The act of sabotage put our Atomic Energy Organization engineers in a different situation, particularly regarding the knowledge of the equipment and their internal details,” Salehi explained.

“At present, we possess a unique laboratory in the country that can make firm steps in repelling the industrial sabotage,” he added.

Earlier on Monday, AEOI deputy head for protection and security affairs, Asghar Zare’an, had said that Germany, France and Britain are involved in attempts to sabotage the country’s nuclear activities by manipulating the equipment exported to Iran with US support.

The official, however, noted that under the auspices of Iran’s Intelligence Ministry, the whole acts of sabotage that targeted the software or hardware of the country’s nuclear facilities have been detected and foiled successfully.


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