Popular Protests in US Herald End of Media Censorship: Iranian MP

Popular Protests in US Herald End of Media Censorship: Iranian MP

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior Iranian lawmaker said that the mass protests staged in various cities of the US are indicative of the fact that the media repression and censorship in the West is on the verge of collapse.

“Unlike the loud slogans chanted by the Western media outlets about the freedom of information and the people’s rights in this regard, the media are repressed and the Western governments in no way allow them to reflect the reality as it is,” Ali Taheri, a member of the Iranian parliament's Cultural Commission, told the Tasnim News Agency.

“The red lines of the Western media are outlined by their arrogant regimes and they are not allowed to reflect people’s words, however, the characters of the regimes are being slowly revealed to their peoples,” the Iranian MP noted.

“The protests seen in different US cities signify that media repression in the West is on the verge of collapse and we hope that this will be a prelude to the end of the West’s inhumane dominance,” Taheri said.  

The remarks come against a backdrop of weeks of protests underway in Ferguson and other US cities sparked by the killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by a white US police officer named Darren Wilson.

In the latest protests, hundreds of people marched through downtown St. Louis on Wednesday, expressing anger and disagreement over a grand jury’s decision not to indict the white police officer for fatally shooting the black unarmed teenager.

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