Iranian Jewish MP Deplores Bibi’s Claims

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Representative of the Jewish minority in Iran's Parliament Siamak Morreh Sedq strongly condemned the recent remarks made by Israel’s prime minister, and described them as “bogus and racist.”

“We, Iranian Jews, along with all freedom-seekers in the world announce our aversion to the empty and racist claims of this criminal person (Netanyahu) ,” Morreh Sedq said in a statement on Tuesday.

His statement came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, addressing the 68th session of the UN General Assembly on October 1, had repeated his groundless allegation that Tehran is seeking to develop nuclear weapons and said the Islamic Republic must dismantle its entire nuclear energy program.

He also claimed that the Zionist regime “will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons,” threatening, “If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone.”

The Iranian legislator further noted that the Israeli premier’s warmongering remarks revealed the Zionism’s deep anger at the Iranian nation.

Netanyahu’s UN address followed a week of intensive diplomatic exchanges between the United States and Iran, including a meeting of major powers that brought together Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif at UN headquarters to discuss Iran’s nuclear program.

In relevant remarks on October 5, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the Zionist regime of Israel faced a total failure in tarnishing the image of Iran on international arenas during the UN General Assembly.

“The Zionist regime and its supporters had spent hundreds of millions of dollars to portray the intended image from the Islamic Republic of Iran, but all these efforts unraveled in this trip,” Zarif said at the time.

He pointed to the Israeli prime minister’s speech at the UN General Assembly in New York, saying Netanyahu attempted to raise propaganda against Iran instead of providing an explanation for his regime’s atrocities against the Palestinians.

Iran's deputy ambassador to the UN, Khodadad Seifi, responded swiftly to Netanyahu's threats, saying that “the Israeli prime minister had better not even think about attacking Iran, let alone planning for that.”

“Iran’s centuries-old policy of nonaggression must not be interpreted as its inability to defend itself,” said Seifi.