FM: Iran Ready to Help Lebanon Form Gov't

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian foreign minister expressed the country’s preparedness to offer any assistance to Lebanon for the formation of a new government in the Arab country.

In a Monday meeting with Lebanese Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam in Beirut, Mohammad Javad Zarif expressed satisfaction with the recent development is Lebanon that are aimed at formation of a new government.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to give Lebanon any assistance with the formation of a new government, Zarif reiterated.

The top Iranian diplomat arrived in Beirut on Sunday at the head of a political and parliamentary delegation, as part of his tour of the Middle East countries.

Earlier on Monday, the Iranian top diplomat also held meetings with Lebanese President Michel Sleiman and Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Zarif praised the Lebanese nation for its resistance against the Israeli invasion in the 33-day summer war of 2006, and added, “Any effort to create unity and convergence in Lebanon by the country’s political and religious leaders will be deemed a valuable move.”

Salam, for his part, announced that hopes are rising in Lebanon for the government formation, and expressed the hope that efforts for that goal would yield result soon.

Earlier in December, Iranian foreign ministry spokeswoman had also expressed Tehran’s willingness to see the prompt formation of a strong, inclusive government in Lebanon, capable of defending the rights and interests of the Middle Eastern nation.

“We have always supported the formation of a strong government that reflects the diversities of the Lebanese nation and can defend the rights and interests of the people,” Marziyeh Afkham said on December 17, 2013.

She had also expressed hope that a Lebanese cabinet with those qualities would be formed as soon as possible, and added, “The Islamic Republic always pays special attention to maintenance of Lebanon’s national unity.”