Int’l Conference on Islamic World’s Global Role Concludes in Tehran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - An international conference on the “Role of the Islamic World on the Global Power Structure” ended with a final statement in Iran’s capital of Tehran on Wednesday.

The two-day conference was held under the auspices of Iran’s Supreme National Defense University, the Islamic Awakening Assembly secretariat and the Strategic Research Center of Iran's Expediency Council.

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the conference on Tuesday.

A number of expert meetings were also held on the sidelines of the international conference.

Dozens of leading figures and influential personalities in the Muslim world took part in the gathering.

On Wednesday, Secretary General of the Islamic Awakening Assembly Ali Akbar Velayati delivered a speech at the conference’s closing ceremony.

In his address, Velayati, who is also a senior adviser to the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, touched upon the prolonged crisis that has gripped Syria for three years, and reiterated that the only peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis is a political one.

He stressed that free election in the Arab country can determine the fate of Syrians, but made it clear that any election should be overseen by the Islamic communities, not by the United Nations, because Muslim nation do not trust in that organization.

Over the past few years, Iran has hosted several international conferences on the Islamic Awakening including “Islamic Awakening and Youth,” “Women and the Islamic Awakening” and “Muslim University Professors and Islamic Awakening”.

The Islamic Awakening movement, which started in 2011 in Tunisia, has swept through the Middle East and North Africa including Egypt, Libya and Yemen.