Iran Condemns Terrorist Explosions in Nigeria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) — Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham strongly condemned the recent terrorist attack at a bus station outside Nigeria’s capital city of Abuja, in which tens of innocent people were killed and injured.

According to the latest media reports, at least 72 people have been killed and 164 others injured in two bomb blasts on Monday at a bus station packed with commuters on the outskirts of Abuja.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns such extremist and terrorist moves, particularly the recent terrorist and inhumane act in Abuja, and calls for the establishment of peace, calm and security for the Nigerian people,” Afkham said on Tuesday.

Over the past four-and-a-half years, violence in Africa’s most populous country has claimed the lives of more than 3,600 people, including killings by the security forces.

In February, gunmen from terrorist group Boko Haram stormed a boarding school in the north-east of Nigeria, killing at least 58 students as they slept in their dormitory.