Iranian, Italian Lawmakers Stress Expansion of Parliamentary Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Legislators representing Iran and Italy in a meeting on Saturday explored avenues for the enhancement of ties between the two countries' parliaments, with both highlighting the significance of such relations for strengthening of Tehran-Rome ties.

Head of Iran-Italy Parliamentary Friendship Group Javad Heravi and Ettore Rosato, the head of Italy-Iran friendship group at the Italian parliament, held the meeting in Tehran on Saturday.

During the meeting, the Iranian legislator made a reference to the age-old relations between Iran and Italy, and stressed, “Increased reciprocal visits by the two countries’ parliamentary officials have an influential role on the bilateral friendly ties.”

Rosato, for his part, referred to Iran as “a major country in the region and the world”, and expressed the Italian Senate’s determination to broaden parliamentary relations with Iran.

“The attitude of Italy’s parliament and new government is founded on the development of cooperation between the two countries,” the visiting Italian pointed out.

Earlier in the morning, Rosato held a separate meeting with Director of the Strategic Research Center of Iran’s Expediency Council Ali Akbar Velayati.

Iranian parliament has in recent months intensified measures to strengthen ties with parliaments of the other countries, following President Hassan Rouhani’s announcement that his administration will adopt the policy of constructive interaction with the world.

Delegations representing the European Parliament (EP), Italy, South Korea and many others have paid official visits to the Islamic Republic over the past few months.