Indonesian Ambassador: Jakarta Eyes Promotion of Trade Ties with Tehran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Indonesian Ambassador to Tehran Dian Wirengjurit said his country needs to promote economic cooperation with Iran.

“Given its large population, Indonesia needs to promote economic cooperation with Iran, especially in the area of importing premium quality farming products,” Wirengjurit said in a meeting with the Supreme Leader's representative in the western province of Lorestan on Saturday.

Iran and Indonesia have a great capacity to cooperate closely in various economic and industrial areas, he said, adding that the promotion of economic cooperation between the two countries requires further planning and efforts by authorities.

Commenting on the interests shared by the two countries, Wirengjurit said that the commonalities between the two nations can pave the way for the expansion of bilateral relations between Iran and Indonesia.

The Indonesian diplomat heading a delegation has paid a visit to the city of Khorramabad, capital of Lorestan Province, to meet with local authorities and become familiar with the investment opportunities in the province.

Iran-Indonesia trade reached $1.132 billion in 2012, with Iran's share of exports to Indonesia standing at $597 million. Iran imported liquefied propane, urea, gas turbines, bitumen, lead, and tea to Indonesia, while imported paper, home appliances, coal, and drilling equipment.