Iranians Condemn Israeli Atrocities against Palestinians

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A gathering of Iranian people from all walks of life staged a protest in front of the United Nations office in Tehran on Tuesday to condemn the Israeli regime’s atrocities against the defenseless people of Palestine.

During the gathering, which was spontaneously held in front of the UN office, protesters chanted various slogans, such as “US and Europe are supporters of Zionists,”  “US weapons are killers of children,” and “UN wake up, wake up.”

The demonstrators also were carrying banners stating “Blood defeats swords” and “For what sin are the children killed?”.

 Some Iranian political figures also participated in the protest.

Since July 8 when Israel started a new wave of attacks on Gaza Strip, over 190 Palestinians have been killed most of whom civilians. The brutal attacks have also wounded at least 1,400 people in Gaza.

The Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights says Israel had destroyed 147 homes and badly damaged hundreds of others.

During the last few days, demonstrations have been staged in many countries across the world to protest against Israel's continued military assault on the coastal enclave.