Iranian President Invited to Azerbaijan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev has invited his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani to visit the ex-Soviet republic, an Iranian lawmaker said.

Aliyev officially invited President Rouhani to pay a visit to Azerbaijan, Iranian MP Kamaleddin Pirmoazzen told the Tasnim News Agency on Saturday.

The legislator quoted Aliyev as saying that President Rouhani’s trip to Azerbaijan would mark “a historical visit that could make the two neighboring countries closer together.”

Accompanying a 60-member delegation of state and private sector officials from Iran, Pirmoazzen recently travelled to Azerbaijan to attend the 9th meeting of Iran-Azerbaijan Joint Economic Commission.

The Iranian delegation had held a meeting with Presidnet Aliyev during their stay in Azerbaijan.

Back in April, Ilham Aliyev paid a visit to Tehran to consult with senior Iranian officials on bilateral and regional issues and the expansion of mutual relations.

High-ranking officials from the two countries signed three memoranda of understanding and a cooperation agreement during his visit to Iran at the time.

Azerbaijan and Iran have had diplomatic relations since 1918. Iran recognized Azerbaijan's independence in 1991, and diplomatic relations between the two countries were established in 1992.