Houthis Vow More Protests Unless Demands Met

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemen’s Houthis said they will intensify their protests unless the government meets their demands and appoints qualified people to key positions.

Mohammed Abdulsalam, a spokesman for the movement, told the Tasnim News Agency that there have been mass protest rallies in the capital Sana'a and other cities and the movement is seeking to broaden its activities.

He added that the movement is examining other options including "civil disobedience and mass strikes."

The spokesperson also added that they have a series of proposals to resolve the standoff. He said the government should appoint qualified persons to key positions and bring an immediate end to widespread corruption.

Houthis and their supporters have held daily nationwide rallies over the past weeks. They accuse the government of corruption and marginalizing the Shiite community.

On Tuesday, President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi dismissed his Premier Mohammed Salim Basindawa and his entire cabinet in a bid to appease protesters. Hadi has also partially reversed an earlier decision to lift fuel subsidies.

The Houthi movement played a key role in the popular uprising that forced former ruler, Ali Abdullah Saleh, to step down in February 2012.