Hezbollah Official: We Reject Sedition Represented by Takfiris

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Hezbollah deputy Chief, Sheikh Naim Qassem considered the Takfiri (extremist) trend a threat to all sects, urging the Lebanese factions to stand together against this threat.

Speaking at Sayyed Al-Shuhadaa complex in the southern suburb of Beirut, Sheikh Qassem voiced the party’s readiness to take part in a dialogue between the Lebanese powers, stressing that Hezbollah rejects all aspects of sedition, Al-Manar reported.

“These (Takfiri) groups are criminal, killer and liar,” he noted, stressing that the identity of any group can be defined through its behavior.

“How can we say that these groups are Muslims? They are fighting the Muslims and neglect Israel, they don’t just neglect Israel they are hospitalized in the occupied territories.”