Peshmerga in Kobane Fire Rockets at ISIL

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iraqi Peshmerga forces started combat operations against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Kobane, less than twenty four hours after arriving in the besieged Syrian town.

Peshmerga fighters in Kobane, a town near the Turkish border that has become a focal point in the battle against the armed group, fired at least six rockets from pick-up trucks at ISIL positions.

Al Jazeera's Jamal Elshayyal, reporting from the border, earlier said the Peshmerga stationed themselves in the western side of the town and hoisted the Kurdish flag in one of the buildings they are staying in.

Al Jazeera's Raafat Al Rifai, reporting from Kobane, said Syrian Kurdish fighters, known as the YPG or People's Protection Units, who have been battling ISIL for weeks, had been patiently waiting for the arrival of the Peshmerga and their superior weaponry.

The YPG have been holding out for weeks against ISIL's offensive, backed by dozens of US-led air strikes against ISIL positions.

The YPG have repeatedly said they do not need more fighters, only weapons, and say they are mistrustful of Turkey's intentions, accusing it of trying to dilute the YPG's influence in Kobane.

Peshmerga forces arrived in Kobane on Friday armed with heavy weaponry, including anti-aircraft machine guns and mobile rocket launchers.