Warsaw Keen to Expand Ties with Tehran: Polish Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Poland’s Ambassador to Iran Juliusz Gojlo underlined his country’s willingness to enhance relations with the Islamic Republic.

“The government and parliament of Poland pursue development of ties with Iran, a great and stable country in the Middle East,” Gojlo said Sunday in a meeting with Head of Iran-Poland Parliamentary Friendship Group Vahid Ahmadi.

The Polish envoy added that meetings and consultations between the two countries’ political and parliamentary officials will be helpful in boosting bilateral cooperation.

Ahmadi, for his part, referred to the history of good relations between Iran and Poland, and said there are many opportunities for expanding bilateral friendly relations.

Since the election of President Hassan Rouhani last June and particularly since Iran and world powers reached a nuclear deal, European countries, including Poland, have shown willingness to improve relations with Iran.

On January 20, the EU Council suspended part of its sanctions against Iran based on the Geneva nuclear deal between Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, France, Britain, the US and Germany) which was signed on November 24, 2013.