Turkey Backs China's Initiative for Building Silk Road Economic Belt

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Turkey gave priorities to developing strategic cooperative ties with China and fully supports its initiative for building Silk Road Economic Belt and marine Silk Road, said Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan Wednesday in Ankara.

Erdogan asked special envoy Meng Jianzhu to convey his best wishes to President Xi, stressing Turkey is willing to further enhance pragmatic cooperation with China and join hands with China in combating terrorism.

Turkey will never allow any organization or individual to engage in separatist activities against China in the country, he stressed.

China and Turkey have maintained fast growth momentum in bilateral ties with further deepening of mutual strategic cooperation, said Meng Jianzhu, secretary of Central Politics and Law Commission of the Communist Party of China and member of CPC Politburo Standing Committee.

Meng conveyed Chinese president's best regards to Erdogan, saying China is willing to strengthen political mutual trust with Turkey and boost economic and trade ties, Xinhua reported.

He said the initiative raised by President Xi for building Silk Road Economic Belt and marine Silk Road highly compatible with Turkey's development goals, which will benefit and compensate each other to achieve the target of bringing common prosperity to the countries along the belt.

Meng also highlighted bilateral cooperation in anti-terrorism, particularly at a time when the world faces tough tasks of fighting terror activities, stressing both sides should care about each others' deep concerns and core interests.

During his visit in Turkey, Meng also held talks with Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan and met with Turkish Interior Minister Efkan Ala and Turkish National Security Council General Secretary Seyfullah Hacimuftioglu.