Iranian President Congratulates Kazakhstan National Day

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Sunday congratulated the national day of Kazakhstan.

In a message to Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Rouhani congratulated him and the government and nation of Kazakhstan on the occasion of the Central Asian country’s Independence Day.

He expressed the hope that friendly relations between the two countries would expand and deepen in all areas in line with the mutual interests of the two nations.   

Iran’s chief executive also wished health and success for government and nation of Kazakhstan.

In recent years, Teheran and Astana have shown eagerness to expand bilateral ties in various areas.

In 2013, bilateral trade between Kazakhstan and Iran amounted to $620 million. According to the Iranian Customs Administration, Kazakhstan was the country’s 18th biggest trading partner last year.

The ties between the two friendly countries are set to grow further with the inauguration of Iran-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan.

The strategic railroad came into service earlier this month in a ceremony attended by presidents of the three countries.