Int’l Conference Ends in Iran with Outright Condemnation of Violence, Extremism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Participants in the international conference on “World Against Violence and Extremism” (WAVE) in a declaration at the end of the meeting in Tehran called on the international community to condemn all forms of violent and extremist moves.

The joint plan of action at the conclusion of the two-day conference stressed on “the importance of the public condemnation of all forms of extremism, violent extremism and terrorism by all states, religious leaders, politicians, and scholars.”

The document also raised the alarm over “the acts of intolerance, violent extremism, violence, including sectarian violence, and terrorism in various parts of the world, which claim innocent lives, cause destruction and displace people.”

The participants are convinced that “wars and armed conflicts can lead to radicalization and the spread of violent extremism and disrupt development of human societies and thwart the well-being of humankind,” read part of the declaration.

Representatives from more than 50 countries attended the international conference in Tehran on December 9 and 10.

Iran attracted attention last year as one of the first countries that anticipated a growing trend in extremist moves in the world.

On December 18, 2013, the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly voted to approve Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s WAVE proposal.