Bahraini Security Forces Suppress Anti-Regime Protests

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Al Khalifa regime’s security forces fired tear gas last night to disperse and suppress protesters outraged by the arrest of opposition leader on Sunday.

According to local media reports, tens of Bahraini protesters held rallies last night in some villages in East and West of the Persian Gulf state capital city after the arrest of Sheikh Ali Salman, the secretary general of al-Wefaq National Islamic Society.

Al-Wefaq society, the main opposition bloc in Bahrain, said the regime’s security forces have suppressed the demonstrators last evening.

In its social network page, the opposition party has released pictures of the suppression of public protests held in the western parts of Bahraini capital, including Saar, Diraz, Bilad al-Qadeem, and Abu Saiba villages and regions.

Regime forces have used tear gas to disperse protesters, the reports said.

Interior Ministry of Bahrain, however, has described demonstrators as “subversive”, and claimed that police forces have only stopped a group of saboteurs who were throwing Molotov cocktails and blocking Sheikh Isa bin Salman Street.

The rallies came as al-Wefaq Society announced on Sunday that Al Khalifa authorities have detained Sheikh Salman after long hours of investigations in criminal investigations building.

Sheikh Salman’s lawyer has asserted that his client is charged with “provoking hatred for the ruling regime and attending illegal demonstrations”.

Following the massive anti-regime protests held on Friday, Bahrain's Interior Ministry had ordered Salman to appear before police investigators on Sunday without providing any explanation as to why the summons was issued.