Yemen’s Revolutionary Groups Call on People to Stage Anti-Saudi Protests

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Revolutionary committees in Yemen asked the people of the Arab country to hold demonstrations in capital, Sana’a, in condemnation of crimes committed by Saudi Arabia and its allies during almost a month of war against Yemen.

The revolutionary committees called on the people to stage massive rallies in Yemen on Wednesday to condemn Saudi-led airstrikes on Fag Attan area in Southern Sana'a.

According to the Yemeni sources, the Saudi warplanes used prohibited arms in their airstrikes on Fag Attan on Friday.

The revolutionary groups also announced their readiness to perform aid and relief operations in southern provinces of the war-stricken country.

The announcement came after the Saudi-led coalition said on Tuesday that its military operation "Decisive Storm" has ended.

On March 26, Saudi Arabia and some of its Arab allies began to militarily interfere in Yemen's internal affairs by launching deadly air strikes against the Houthi Ansarullah movement in an attempt to restore power to the fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a close ally of Riyadh.

According to the spokesman of the Yemeni Army, the Saudi-led war on the Arabian Peninsula country has killed 2,051 people, most of them innocent civilians.