Iran, Indonesia Urge Closer Relations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo, in a meeting in Jakarta on Thursday, underlined the need for further efforts to boost bilateral relations between the two Muslim countries in diverse areas.

In his remarks, president Rouhani pointed to the importance of closer cooperation between Tehran and Jakarta in the area of economy, and said the joint economic commission of the two countries should work more actively.

Given the potentials and capacities of Iran and Indonesia, the volume of bilateral trade between the two nations should further increase, he said.

"Iran attaches great significance to its relations with Indonesia, as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world," the Iranian President noted.

The Indonesian president, for his part, voiced his country's readiness to promote relations with the Islamic Republic in various areas, including in the energy sector.

He urged the Iranian government and investors to participate in the Southeast Asian country's refinery and power plant projects.
The meeting was held on the sidelines of the Asian-African Conference (AAC), which opened on April 19 and will last until April 24 in Jakarta.