Iran, Iraq Defense Cooperation Inevitable: Iranian DM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan described close defense ties between Tehran and Baghdad as necessary in the current regional situation.

The region's conditions, including the escalating crisis and insecurity, have made it inevitable for the two countries to have close cooperation in the defense sphere, General Dehqan said in a Monday meeting in Baghdad with his Iraqi counterpart.
Dehqan arrived at the Iraqi capital's airport on Monday morning at the invitation of his Iraqi counterpart Khaled al-Obeidi and was welcomed by the country's army chief, Lieutenant General Babakir Zebari.

He referred to Tehran-Baghdad defense and security collaborations and their joint fight against terrorism as a factor that contributes to regional stability and security.

Dehqan further underlined that Iran is standing by the Iraqi government and nation and has "answered the Iraqi brothers' request (to help Baghdad in the fight against terrorism) without expecting anything in return."

Iraq's Defense Minister, for his part, hailed Dehqan's visit to Baghdad and expressed the hope that it would help the two countries to further develop their bilateral ties.

Al-Obeidi also appreciated Iran's backing for Iraq, reiterating that "We are really in need of the Islamic Republic's supports and help, especially at this sensitive juncture.

"We hope to gain victory over the enemies of the Iraqi nation with the help of Iran," he went on to say.

Iraq has been facing the growing threat of terrorism, mainly posed by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group.

The ISIL militants made swift advances in much of northern and western Iraq over the summer, after capturing large swaths of northern Syria.

However, a combination of concentrated attacks by the Iraqi military and the volunteer forces, who rushed to take arms after top Iraqi cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani issued a fatwa calling for fight against the militants, have blunted the edge of the ISIL offensive.

Amid tensions in Iraq, Iran is known as the first country to help the Arab country and has always voiced support for Iraq’s solidarity and prosperity.