Saudi Airstrikes in Yemen's Capital Kill 29, Including Civilians

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Security and medical officials say the Saudi-led coalition's airstrikes against Yemen's Houthis and their allies have killed 29 people, including civilians, in capital Sana'a.

The officials, who remain neutral in the conflict said Saturday that the coalition's airstrikes hit an apartment building in the center of the capital, a UNESCO world heritage site, killing a family of nine. One more civilian was killed and the search for more that may be buried under rubble is ongoing. The Houthis lost 19 fighters in the overnight attack.

All officials requested anonymity because they are not authorized to brief reporters, The Associated Press said.

Saudi Arabia launched military strikes against the already impoverished Yemen in March, in a bid to restore power to Mansur Hadi, a staunch ally of the Kingdom who was pushed from power after Houthis took control of Sana'a.

The aerial campaign has taken a crushing toll on residents in Yemen. The United Nations says nearly 4,900 people have been killed and around 25,000 wounded since late March, while 21 million out of Yemen's population of 25 million have been affected by the conflict.