Afghanistan’s Abdullah Due in Iran in Coming Days: Sources

KABUL (Tasnim) – Afghanistan’s Chief Executive Officer Abdullah Abdullah plans to pay an official visit to Iran in the near future, sources said on Friday.

According to Tasnim dispatches, a high-ranking delegation, including the ministers of interior, economy and foreign affairs, will accompany Abdullah in his trip to Tehran.

Abdullah is planned to meet with senior Iranian officials and discuss various issues regarding bilateral relations between Tehran and Kabul.

The issues of Afghan refugees in Iran and border security are likely to be discussed in Abdullah's meetings with Iranian officials.

Back in April 2015, Iran and Afghanistan signed two cooperation agreements as part of efforts to boost the relations between the two neighbors in various areas.

In a ceremony attended by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani, high-ranking officials from the two countries singed the documents.

In 2009, Iran was one of the largest investors in Afghanistan mainly in the construction of roads and bridges as well as agriculture and health care.