No Limit for Closer Ties with Oman: Iran’s FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif voiced the country’s readiness to further boost relations with Oman in various fields.

“Oman is a good and reliable neighbor for Iran. We will keep up relations in all fields and see no ceiling on these ties,” Zarif said at a joint press conference with his Omani counterpart Yusuf bin Alawi, held in Tehran on Saturday.

He also noted that a timetable is going to be set for the expansion of Tehran-Muscat relations at the conclusion of the Omani minister’s visit.

Zarif also hailed Oman for its positive role in resolving an impasse over Iran’s peaceful nuclear program that resulted in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany).

For his part, the Omani diplomat lauded the “brotherly” relations with Iran, saying there are efforts to open up new vistas for bilateral ties in the economic, cultural and scientific fields.

Bin Alawi also highlighted the significance of the Middle East region, calling for cooperation among the whole regional countries for the establishment of peace.

Iran and Oman share age-old and close diplomatic, economic, and military ties. Sultan Qaboos played an important role in facilitating the early stages of nuclear talks between Iran and world powers, which led to the JCPOA.