Nowruz Conveys Message of Peace: Iran’s UN Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations hailed the ancient festival of Nowruz as a harbinger of moderation, saying its message of peace shines brightly in a world fraught with violence and extremism.

Addressing a ceremony on the occasion of Nowruz held in New York on Monday, Gholam Ali Khoshroo praised Nowruz for demonstrating the true beauties of togetherness, peace, friendship and solidarity among world’s people.

What follows in the envoy’s full speech:

Mr. President of the General Assembly,

Mr. Secretary General,

Distinguished Ambassadors,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Nowruz is a comprehensive cultural and social system which reflects joyfulness, togetherness, caring of nature, cultivation of soul and soil, moderation and compassion, and cleaning and caring of home and self. It heralds hope, happiness, light, life and love!

The beauty of Nowruz rests in the way that it links human being with nature. It calls for harmony with nature and respect for environment. Raising awareness on the environment and its protection is an integral part of Nowruz; and such opportunity needs to be appreciated in our common endeavor towards achieving sustainable development goals or SDGs.

Meanwhile, this aged celebrated festivity has another pleasant face. It stirs common sentiments of humanity and urges solidarity among people regardless of all seemingly divisive racial, ethnic, economic and political factors. It still connects and unifies nations in a way that no other means can do. In one word it promotes the culture of peace.

The narrative of Nowruz is based on moderation; moderation in the length of day and night; moderation in the way that human being should live. In fact, in a world filled with radicalism and extremism, ravaged by monsters of terrorism, war, death and destruction, Nowruz carries the messages of peace and reconciliation.

Following the footsteps of our ancestors, in these moments which correspond with the commencement of the first day of creation, we also celebrate this joyful occasion that calls for respect to nature and environment as well as friendship and cooperation among our nations. We praise Nowruz for the opportunity it offers to us to demonstrate the true beauties of togetherness, peace, friendship and solidarity among our peoples.

Let us pray that peace and righteousness prevail in the world. May God grants you and your beloved ones all the joy, happiness and prosperity you deserve.

Happy spring, Nowruz Mubarak.