Iran’s FM, Finnish MP Discuss Bilateral Ties, Regional Issues

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Chairman of the Finnish Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs Antti Kaikkonen in a meeting in Tehran explored avenues for promoting mutual cooperation between Tehran and Helsinki.

Zarif in this meeting hailed the perspective of Iran-Finland cooperation as progressive, and expressed the hope that the two countries’ parliaments would deepen their relations given the existing resolve.

He also pointed to capacities created after the recent nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers (known as the JCPOA), saying there are good opportunities for Iran and the European Union to tap into the existing economic, trade, and banking potentials.

Zarif hoped that firm and tangible steps are taken in this regard given the determination of the EU member states.

Kaikkonen, for his part, expressed Helsinki’s interest in taking new steps for the development of parliamentary, economic, and cultural relations between the two countries.

“During this visit (to Iran), we developed our knowledge about Iran’s capacities,” he said, adding that the trip will also help to introduce Finland’s new potentials for the enhancement of its economic ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Earlier in January, Foreign Minister Zarif met Finnish President Sauli Niinisto on the sidelines of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Switzerland’s Davos to explore avenues for the expansion of bilateral relations.

There has been growing enthusiasm for closer ties with Iran after the JCPOA took effect on January 16, terminating all nuclear-related sanctions against Iran.