Belgian Minister Quits over Brussels Airport Security

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Belgian minister quit after a report emerged criticizing security almost a year before the Brussels Airport twin bombings.

Transport Minister Jacqueline Galant  resigned on Friday after the EU document detailing lapses in airport security oversight was leaked.

The confidential report from April last year was made public by two Belgian opposition parties.

It said the oversight of security at the country's airports was flawed and cited serious deficiencies in the way safety checks were managed.

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel confirmed the resignation saying "the minister presented her resignation to the King and the King accepted it".

Galant had said she had not seen the document, but Mr Michel said "a summary of this report was discussed and sent to the minister's cabinet in June 2015".

Belgium's interior and justice ministers volunteered to step down last month, but their resignations were rejected.

The Belgian parliament has launched an inquiry into the attacks "to draw lessons for the future".

"The security of all Belgians is a priority for this government," Mr Michel added, Sky News reported.

The resignation comes three weeks after two suspected militants carried out suicide attacks in the airport's main departure hall.

The bombs, and a separate one on a metro train in the city, killed 32 people - 16 at the national airport, including the bombers.

At least 270 people were injured in the 22 March attacks.

Zaventem Airport partially reopened earlier this month amid tightened security which included the installation of cameras to read number plates and random checks of vehicles.

In addition to passengers having to go through metal detectors, special arrangements have been made to check in luggage.

The airport is expected to fully reopen by the end of June or early July.