Libyan Forces Brace for Street Battles against Daesh in Sirte

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A spokesman for militias loyal to Libya's UN-brokered government say Daesh (also known as ISIL and ISIS) Takfiri militants have barricaded themselves in the center of their stronghold in the coastal city of Sirte, hoping to draw their attackers into a protracted street battle.

Brig-Gen. Mohammed al-Ghasri said Sunday the Daesh militants have barricaded themselves in a densely built-up area and their snipers have taken positions on rooftops waiting for the militias to advance, AP reported.

He said Daesh suicide bombers are likely to target the Libyan troops if they close in on the area.

The militias have been shelling the area with artillery.

Daesh took over Sirte last year, exploiting Libya's turmoil to gain a foothold in the North African country. The fight to retake it is led by forces from the western city of Misrata.