Putin: Russia to 'Do Its Best' to Avoid Color Revolutions at Home, Allies

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russian leaders will attempt to prevent color revolutions within the country and in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) member states, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday.

Vladimir Putin told the Mir 24 broadcaster that Moscow is aware of "various theories that are being implemented in different regions of the world, leading to serious destabilization in these regions."

"Of course nothing of this sort should be allowed, and we will do our best to behave appropriately in Russia and support our CSTO partners in every possible way," Putin said, Sputnik reported.

Initially, a color revolution was defined as the nonviolent overthrow of a government including political regime change. Overtime the definition became broader: Almost all coups started with peaceful rallies and demonstrations but only one in five did not involve casualties.

US color revolution ideologue Gene Sharp believes that underlying the nonviolent method of struggle is the following principle: any power structure relies on its subjects' obedience to the orders of the rulers. If the subjects do not obey, the rulers have no power.