Iran Rejects US Terrorism Report as Invalid

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iran’s Foreign Ministry dismissed as invalid the allegations of sponsoring terrorism raised by the US State Department in an annual report, saying such futile attempts by the US government are aimed at drawing attention away from its own role in the global spread of terrorism.

In comments on Thursday, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said the US releases such periodic reports to divert the international attention away from its role in creating, expanding and supporting terrorist groups across the world, particularly in the Middle East.

He also denounced the latest report as an “amateurish” and an “indication of the US venomous polices and its cheap and instrumental employment of any subject to pursue that wrong and already-tested policy.”

On July 19, the State Department released its annual ‘Country Reports on Terrorism’, accusing Iran of continuing “to be the leading state sponsor of terrorism.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, Qassemi said the report has used unrealistic and rudimentary methods to provide an assessment of the trends and events in international terrorism, saying it has surprisingly ignored Iran’s leading role in the fight against the most dangerous form of terrorism in the region.

An obvious sign of invalidity of the report is that it has hailed as “US partners in the fight against terrorism” certain regional allies which are known to be the birthplace of ideologies of terrorist groups over the past two decades and which continue to provide financial and military support for those groups, the spokesman deplored.

He also underlined that Iran, a major victim of terrorism in the past forty years, is determined to counter terrorism and violent extremism, and will also keep assisting the governments of Iraq and Syria in the fight against the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group as long as those countries request it.

Qassemi finally said that the goal of a terrorism-free Middle East would come true if certain regional and trans-regional countries stop providing financial, ideological and military support for terrorist groups and abandon sham military coalitions in the war on terror.