Lavrov Calls on NATO to Join Efforts to Fight Afghan Drug Threat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Russia calls on NATO to look for joint approaches to fight the drug threat emanating from Afghanistan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at the Parliamentarians against Drugs international conference on Monday.

"We urge NATO representatives to look for joint approaches to driving out the drug trafficking business and terrorism funded by it from Afghan soil," the minister said, TASS news agency reported.

Drug liberalization will be fraught with a disaster of an unprecedented scale, he went on.

He said "we cannot agree with those who call for surrender in the face of the onslaught by international drug crime, raise the white flag and open the gate in front of total drug liberalization."

"Such an approach would be fraught with a disaster unprecedented in scale," Lavrov said.

"Merger of drug trafficking and terrorism is a reality. With the money coming from drug trade it fuels and increases its deadly potential," Lavrov said. "Drug incomes undermine international security and stability."

"The drug problem remains acute and relevant. The diversity of psychotropic substances require creative and common approaches to creating an effective antidote," Lavrov said.

"We appreciate efforts being exerted by the law enforcers, who stand in the way of drug crime and in doing so often risk their lives," Lavrov said. "It is essential to keep building up their cooperation, enhancing the exchanges of online information and improving the law enforcers' technical base."