US-Led Strike against Syria ‘Flagrant Violation’ of Int’l Law: Iran’s Rouhani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani described the recent airstrikes conducted by the US, the UK and France against Syria as a “flagrant violation of international law”, particularly the UN charter.

In a telephone conversation with his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad following the attack on Saturday, Rouhani added that the attack was a “blatant violation” of the Syrian territory, and also an attempt to undermine the regional security.

The Iranian president further said that "Iran will continue to stand by Syria”, adding that the move by the three countries was aimed at spread insecurity and chaos in the region.

Rouhani further underscored the importance of respecting Syria’s territorial integrity, noting that the presence of any foreign military troops in the Arab country, without the consent of the Syrian government, constitutes an act of aggression and is against the international law. 

The United States and European allies launched airstrikes on Saturday against Syrian research, storage and military targets under the pretext of a suspected chemical attack near Damascus last weekend that killed more than 40 people.

Britain and France joined the United States in the strikes in a coordinated operation that was intended to show Western resolve in the face of what the leaders of the three nations called persistent violations of international law.

Shortly after the attack, the Syrian presidency posted on Twitter, “Honorable souls cannot be humiliated.”