Regional Crises Rooted in Washington’s Strategic Mistakes: Iranian Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi deplored recent US-led missile attacks against Syria as “contrary to all international norms” and said the current “abnormal” situation of the region has its roots in Washington’s strategic mistakes.

“Such expansionist moves are contrary to international norms and the (military) action by the US is not something new, because they take action from time to time under false pretexts and lies and through pursuing their own expansionist policies,” Qassemi told reporters during his press conference in Tehran on Monday.

“Whatever is seen from the abnormal situation of the region has its roots in the strategic mistakes of the US,” he said, adding that Washington’s policy will eventually face the United States with many problems in the region and the world.

The spokesman further emphasized that the recent missile attacks on Syria by the US, the UK, and France would not have an impact on Iran’s policies and that the country will continue to follow the same principles as those it has pursued over the past decades.

The United States and European allies launched airstrikes on Saturday against Syrian research, storage and military targets under the pretext of a suspected chemical attack near Damascus last weekend that killed more than 40 people.

Britain and France joined the United States in the strikes in a coordinated operation that was intended to show Western resolve in the face of what the leaders of the three nations called persistent violations of international law.

Trump characterized it as the beginning of a sustained effort to force Assad to “stop using banned weapons”, but only ordered a limited, one-night operation that hit three targets.

“These are not the actions of a man,” Trump said of last weekend’s attack in a televised address from the White House Diplomatic Room. “They are crimes of a monster instead.”

Shortly after the attack, the Syrian presidency posted on Twitter, “Honorable souls cannot be humiliated.”

Within 90 minutes, the Russian ambassador to the US warned of “consequences” for the allied attacks.