US Moves against Palestine, JCPOA Not to Go Unanswered: Iran’s Larijani

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani deplored the US government’s decisions to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to al-Quds (Jerusalem) and to withdraw from the 2015 nuclear deal, saying that they will not “remain unanswered”.

“The US president on December 6 declared the Holy Quds, which is the permanent capital of Palestine, to be the capital of the illegitimate regime of Israel,” Larijani said in an emergency meeting of the Islamic Inter-Parliamentary Union on Palestine in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Monday, which was attended by representatives from parliaments of 20 Muslim countries.

He said that the US also announced that it would relocate its embassy to Quds on May 14, which is the Nakba (Catastrophe) Day and the anniversary of the establishment of the Zionist regime.

Larijani further deplored Washington’s non-commitment to its international obligations and said one day it violates the Paris Agreement and the other day it leaves the nuclear deal between Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, US, Britain, France, and Germany), known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which had been signed at the request of the US, itself.   

“They (US officials) should not make miscalculations about Palestine and think their actions against Palestine and Iran will remain unanswered,” he warned. 

The remarks came as thousands of Palestinians from across the occupied Palestinian territories on Monday staged protests against the planned US embassy relocation to Quds, as part of the Great March of Return.

The Great March of Return includes rallies that are part of a weeks-long protest that will culminate on May 15 to mark what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba or "Catastrophe" - a reference to Israel's establishment in 1948, when 750,000 Palestinians were forcibly removed from Palestine.

Since the protests began on March 30, Israeli forces have killed over 50 Palestinians in the besieged coastal enclave.

More than 8,500 Palestinians have also been wounded.