Iran’s Strategy of Resistance Working: Cultural Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian cultural official highlighted the country’s success in foiling conspiracies hatched by enemies and said recent remarks by French President Emmanuel Macron about “the end of Western hegemony” indicate that the Islamic Revolution's strategy of resistance has been working.

Today, the enemy is trying to constrain the Islamic Revolution with all its might in a way that even US President Donald Trump explicitly acknowledges that American pressures on Iran do not aim to overthrow the Islamic Republic but to constrain it, Hamidreza Moqaddamfar, a cultural affairs adviser to the head of the Islamic Azad University’s Board of Trustees, said in a speech in the northeastern city of Mashhad on Saturday.

“The French president speaks frankly about the collapse of liberal democracy and the end of the Western hegemony over the world on the sidelines of the G7 summit,” he added.

“All these pieces of evidence show that the strategy of resistance has worked and today is not the time to compromise,” the official went on to say.

Today, if the strategy of resistance is tied to “the strategy of internal consolidation” in all economic, cultural, political, and, especially, foreign policy dimensions, the victory over the global hegemonic system will become more amazing, he further said.

In similar remarks back in June 2018, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei stressed that US policies against the Islamic Republic and other Western Asian nations have faced defeat.

The US president has acknowledged that his country has spent $7 trillion in West Asia without achieving any results, Ayatollah Khamenei said at the time, adding that it means their defeat in the region.  

“This confession proves that the Great Satan has not achieved its goals despite all its efforts, and henceforth, however much they spend in this region, once again, they will not be able to reach their goals,” the Leader said.