Video Shows Ansarallah Forces Shooting Down Saudi Fighter Jet in Northern Yemen

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A recently released video by Yemeni Almaserah TV, shows Ansarallah forces shooting down a Saudi Tornado fighter jet over the northern region of the country on Friday.

The Ansarallah forces managed to hit the Saudi jet with a surface-to-air missile over the northern Yemeni province of al-Jawf.

In a statement on February 15, a spokesman for the Saudi coalition confirmed that the combat aircraft went down while conducting operations over Yemeni airspace.

The spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, said in a statement released by Al-Masirah TV that the forces managed to shoot down the aircraft over the Al-Jawf province of northern Yemen.

“The air defenses shot down the coalition war plane with an advanced air-to-surface missile supported by modern technology. The sky of Yemen is not for a walk and the enemy must count a thousand times for that,” Sare’e said in his statement.

Following the Yemeni missile attack, warplanes of the Saudi-led coalition targeted the Tornado’s crash site with several airstrikes, killing 30 innocent people, among them women and children.