President Holds US Accountable for Unemployment in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the US government is partly accountable for unemployment and other economic woes in Iran.

In comments at the first session of the cabinet of ministers in the new Persian year on Monday, President Rouhani denounced the US plots against the Iranian nation.

Holding Washington accountable for part of the problems such as unemployment and the difficult living conditions of Iranian people, Rouhani said the US is also to blame for part of the lack of investment and lack of turnover of capital in the Iranian factories.

“The US is accountable to some of the (Iranian) people who are living under extraordinarily critical conditions because of having no job,” he added.

“The Americans are held accountable for the biggest crimes against the region and Iran,” the president underlined, dismissing the offer of help from the US in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.

In comparison to the other countries, even the advanced ones, Iran has better conditions in supplying the medical needs and providing hospital beds and convalescent homes amid the outbreak of COVID-19, he stated.

The president finally pointed to the plans to fulfill the goals of the new year, which has been named by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei the year of ‘surge in production’, stressing that a surge in production will materialize in light of investment, science, knowledge, technology and foreign relations with the world.

In remarks on Sunday, Ayatollah Khamenei rejected the offer of help for Iran from the “untrustworthy” US government in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak, saying such disease may have been created by the US as part of its hostile plots against Iranians.

The Leader said the US has made such offer of help while Washington itself is struggling with a shortage of medical supplies in containing the coronavirus epidemic, pointing to the admissions made by the mayors and medical authorities of various American cities that they are facing many problems.

Iran has intensified diplomatic efforts in recent weeks to force the US to lift the sanctions that have impeded Tehran’s fight against COVID-19.


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