IRGC Forces Kill 2 Terrorists West of Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps’ (IRGC) forces attacked a team of terrorists in Iran’s western province of Kurdistan, killing two of them and injuring a number of others.

The public relations department of Hamzeh Sayyid al-Shohada Base of the IRGC Ground Force said in a statement that the armed clash happened at 2:40 PM local time on Tuesday near the city of Marivan.

In the operation, launched in cooperation with the intelligence forces of Kurdistan Province, the IRGC troops clashed with an 8-strong team of anti-Revolution terrorists and killed two of them, it said.

Four other terrorists were injured in the operation, and the rest of them fled the scene, the statement said, adding that a manhunt is in progress.

The IRGC is tasked with protecting the country’s northwestern and southeastern borders.

In July 2018, anti-revolutionary terrorists attacked a border post of the Hamzeh Seyed al-Shohada Base in the western province of Kurdistan, killing 11 forces of the base.