Imam Reza Intl. University Organizes Confab on Era of Awaiting the Savior

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Imam Reza Int'l University held its first global conference in the Iranian holy city of Mashhad in the presence of dozens of renowned figures, students, and thinkers from different countries, including Iran, Lebanon, Bahrain, Australia, UK, and Canada.

Principal and Founder of Imam Mahdi Youth Inc, based in Sydney, Zainab Taylor opened the conference, saying, "In these times, it has become a mantra for the eternal struggle against the oppressors of the world.

"So as Muslims we should also pursue this goal of Imam Hussein (as) and should not remain indifferent to committing ugliness and abandoning the good, but should perform the important task of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil in all aspects of our lives”.

The Iranian English-language television news network's journalist Marzieh Hashemi pointed out that as a journalist or a person in the media, "My responsibility is to talk about wrongdoers, aggression, oppression," adding, "when a situation is being ignored or being portrayed in a false light in Yemen, Gaza, Black America, I feel that it is my responsibility to put a spotlight on it."

Sayyedah Umm Farwa, an Islamic lecturer and scholar in London, emphasized that the path of Imam Hussain (as) is like a powerhouse that charges the universe for it is a stand of the truth against falsehood, a battle in which truth prevailed. Sayyedah Umm Farwa expressed severe condemnation to the recent insult of Prophet Mohammed saying it stems from an arrogant hostile agenda. She added, "It is we who have failed to introduce the Prophet’s character and personality."

For her part, Sondoss al Asaad, a Lebanese Bahraini freelance journalist and author on Islamic topics, dissected the remarkable role of women in the Hussaini and the Mahdian uprisings.

Al Asaad said Islam stresses the centrality of women’s presence in the process of resistance and reformation "that’s why they ought to be weaponised by strong patience and perseverance."

She went on to say, "Sayyedah Zainab has influenced vast majority of women all over the years, esp. in the aftermath of the establishment of the Zionist apartheid entity and the victory of the Islamic revolution of Imam Khomeini. Women of Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrain, Nigeria have all learnt how to deal with such vicious war led by the hegemonic powers. In addition, they have shown over time outstanding awareness and steadfastness against current waves of the satanic soft war and feminist views, which aim at manipulating and degrading them."