Unclear If New Coronavirus Strain Will Lead to Higher Fatality Rate: WHO Expert

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The World Health Organization (WHO) currently has no evidence to prove that the newly emerged coronavirus strain will lead to a higher fatality rate, Director of the Pandemic and Epidemic Diseases Department at the WHO Sylvie Briand said.

"Viruses change and what is happening now comes as no surprise. In order to figure out whether the impact of the virus on human health will change, we need to conduct additional laboratory research. At this point, we don’t see any changes in fatality rates," the expert told France’s BFMTV, TASS reported.

When asked if the new virus strain could affect the effectiveness of vaccines, Briand emphasized the need "for additional research." At the same time, she said that "the virus will hardly affect the vaccines’ performance."

"I believe that the measures that have been taken in the United Kingdom will make it possible to stop it from spreading in the run-up to the launch of vaccines," Briand added.

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