NGO Proves Belgian Weapons Used in Saudi War on Yemen

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Belgian NGO Vredesactiehas presented new evidence Wednesday that arms produced in the country were being used by Saudi forces in the aggression against Yemen.

After analyzing video footage, satellite images and photos, the NGO found that weapons manufactured in Belgium’s Wallonia region by arms companies FN Herstal and Mecar were used in the battle of the Jabara Valley in North Yemen in 2019, according to Anadolu Agency.

The investigation also refuted the Wallonian government’s argument that the Saudi National Guard was only operating in Saudi Arabia and was not involved in foreign military conflicts.

The new evidence challenges the decision of Walloon minister-president Elio di Rupo, who reissued the arms export licenses in November based on the opinion of his advisory committee despite a ruling by Belgium’s highest administrative court.

The court last August suspended arms export licenses to Saudi Arabia, overruling di Rupo’s previous decision to grant permits to several Belgian companies.

“It cannot be excluded that there is a real risk for the weapons (…) to be used in the context of the conflict in Yemen or to contribute to internal repression,” the ruling said.

Di Rupo gave authorization to Wallonia-based FN Herstal and CMI Defense to sell weapons to Saud Arabia’s National Guard and Royal Guard in early July.

Saudi Arabia is the most important client of Wallonia’s arms industry. According to Vredesactie, up to 75% of Belgian arms exports were sold to Saudi Arabia.

Yemen has been beset by violence and chaos since Saudi Arabia and a number of its regional allies launched a devastating air campaign in March 2015, in order to bring fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh, back to power and crush Ansarullah. The goal of the deadly campaign has not materialized.

Tens of thousands of Yemenis including civilians are believed to have been killed in the conflict, which has led to one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises with 3.65 million people internally displaced and 15 million in need of immediate humanitarian aid.