Iranian Cargo Ship Attacked in Mediterranean

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An Iranian container ship has sustained slight damage after it was targeted in a terrorist attack in the Mediterranean Sea, the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Line (IRIS) Group said.

Ali Ghiasi, the IRISL Group’s spokesman, told Nour News on Friday that an explosion object had hit the container ship — identified as Shahr-e Kord — as it was traveling to Europe in the high seas on Wednesday.

The official said the vessel’s hull sustained slight damage, but those aboard were unharmed.

A small fire broke out in the aftermath of the explosion, which was quickly put out by the crew members, Ghiasi said.

The ship, he added, “will continue on its route after damage assessments and repair,” Press TV reported.

Such acts of terror are a clear example of naval piracy and runs counter to the international law on the safety of commercial vessels, the official said, pledging that the country will pursue the case through relevant international institutions to identify the perpetrators.