Iran Obtains 60% Enriched Uranium

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has produced the first quantities of uranium enriched to a purity level of 60% in the wee hours of Friday, Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf said.

Qalibaf announced in a post on his Twitter account that the first product of uranium enriched to 60 percent purity has been obtained by the young Iranian scientists at 00:40 am local time, Friday, April 16.

The senior MP congratulated the “brave Iranian people” on the success, saying the Iranian nation’s determination creates miracles and foils any plot. 

The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran began enriching uranium hexafluoride to the purity level of 60% in two cascades of newer generation of centrifuge machines a few day ago.

Iran’s ambassador to the IAEA had said that enriching UF6 up to 60% was done in two cascades of IR-4 and IR-6 centrifuges in Natanz, adding, “This will improve significantly both the quality and quantity of radiopharmaceutical products.”

The move came in response to an act of sabotage that damaged a number of centrifuge machines in Natanz enrichment facility last Sunday.

The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said on April 11 that the accident happened in part of the electricity network of Ahmadi Roshan nuclear enrichment facility, but it has not resulted in any casualties or contamination.

Israel's public radio quoted unidentified intelligence sources on Sunday as saying that Israel's Mossad spy agency carried out a cyber-attack against Iran's Natanz nuclear facility.