Afghan Rulers Responsible for Ensuring Security, Countering Terrorists: Iran’s FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Foreign Minister of Iran Hossein Amirabdollahian put the onus on the rulers of Afghanistan to ensure the security of Afghan people and take effective action against terrorist groups.

In a telephone conversation with his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Monday, Amirabdollahian invited the senior Pakistani diplomat to attend a meeting of foreign ministers of Afghanistan's neighbors in Tehran.

He also expressed regret over the recent terrorist incidents in Afghanistan, which led to the killing of scores of worshipers.

Amirabdollahian condemned the terrorist acts, stressed the need for all neighboring countries of Afghanistan and other world nations to condemn them, and placed the onus on the rulers of Afghanistan to ensure the Afghan people’s security and to effectively confront the actions of terrorist groups.

For his part, Qureshi thanked Iran for the invitation to the meeting of Afghanistan’s neighbors, hailing it as a joint initiative of the two countries to ensure peace and stability in Afghanistan.

The top Pakistani diplomat also voiced the Pakistani government’s condemnation of the terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, expressing hope that the rulers of Afghanistan would take necessary actions and prevent the terrorist groups from gaining a foothold in Afghanistan.