IRGC Confirms Missile Attack on Zionist Center, Warns of Devastating Response to Evil Acts

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said on Sunday that it had launched a missile attack on a strategic center of Zionists, warning the Israeli regime that the repetition of evil conducts will draw Iran’s harsh and devastating response.

In a statement on Sunday, the IRGC Public Relations department said that following the fake Zionist regime’s recent crimes and the previous announcements that the hated regime’s crimes and evil conducts would not go unanswered, the IRGC hit the “Zionists’ strategic center of plot and evil acts” with powerful missiles with pinpoint accuracy last night.

“Once again, we warn the criminal Zionist regime that the repetition of any evil act will draw harsh, decisive and devastating responses,” the IRGC added.

The statement assured the Iranian nation that the country’s security and calm are the red lines for the Iranian Armed Forces and nobody would be allowed to threaten or violate them.

In the early hours of Sunday, a missile attack targeted a military base housing US forces in Erbil, the capital of the Iraqi semi-autonomous Kurdistan region, as well as the US consulate in that region.

At first, Iraqi media, citing Kurdish officials, reported that several missiles had landed in Erbil early Sunday, but there were no confirmed casualties from the incident.

Later reports, quoting Kurdistan region's intelligence sources, said as many as 12 ballistic missiles were used in Erbil attack.