Iran Reiterates Neutrality in Ukraine War

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Highlighting Iran’s impartial attitude in the Ukraine war, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani called on the Ukrainian officials to avoid making emotional comments and unfounded accusations against Tehran.

In a statement on Thursday, Kanaani once again rejected Ukraine's repetitive and groundless accusations that Iran has provided Russia with weapons.

This comes after Ukraine's Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said he had asked Tehran to "cease the flow of weapons to Russia."

"Emotionally-charged claims and non-evidentiary accusations do not help resolve Ukraine's crisis," the Iranian spokesman said.

Kanaani repeated Iran's position of "active neutrality" concerning the ongoing war in Ukraine, urging Kiev to stop its "blame game," Press TV reported.

Instead, Kanaani said, Ukrainian officials should heed Tehran's "constructive proposal" for bilateral technical meetings, where they could provide whatever evidence they might have about their allegations.

The spokesperson, meanwhile, reminded that the Islamic Republic had, since the onset of the conflict in Ukraine, been exerting diplomatic efforts aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the crisis.

Both Iran and Russia have repeatedly denied claims made by Kiev and its Western allies that Tehran has provided Moscow with drones to be used in the war in Ukraine.