Protesters in London Demand End to Violence against Palestinians (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the Israeli regime’s embassy in London on Friday to condemn recent clashes at Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem al-Quds and to call for an end to Israeli violence.

Demonstrators marched along the streets of the capital, holding flags and signs reading "Free Palestine" and "#HandsoffAlAqsa".

"They are afraid of justice. They are afraid of the truth. No matter how many lies they tell you through the BBC and American media as well," said one protester. "Israel's days as an oppressive entity are almost done."



Tensions are remaining high in al-Quds since Israeli forces attacked worshipers in the al-Aqsa Mosque compound overnight on Wednesday, during the holy month of Ramadan. The raid on the sacred site left at least 12 Palestinians injured.

The raids continued into Thursday morning when Israeli troops were once again seen assaulting and pushing Palestinians out of the compound and preventing them from praying – before extremist settlers were allowed in under police protection.

At least 400 Palestinians were arrested on Wednesday and remain in Israeli custody, according to Palestinian officials. They are being held at a police station in Atarot settlement in occupied East al-Quds.

Palestinian witnesses said Israeli forces used excessive force, including stun grenades and tear gas, causing suffocation injuries to the worshipers, and beatings with batons and rifles.

At least two Israeli settlers have been killed and another is seriously wounded after they came under a shooting attack in the northern part of the West Bank, amid heightened tensions across the occupied Palestinian territories after Israeli forces violently attacked worshipers.