Completing Construction Operation of North-South Corridor A Top Priority: Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The managing director of Iran’s Construction and Development of Transportation Infrastructures Company (CDTIC) said that completing construction operation of the North-South Corridor is the most important priority of Iran’s transportation sector.

The North-South Corridor is a safe and stable source of income for the country, Kheirollah Khademi said.

Completion of construction operation of North-South Corridor, in addition to developing national and international transit in the country, is considered as a reliable and safe source of revenue for Iran, Khademi empahsized.

He put the current number of highway, rail and freeway projects in the country at 152, 36 and 23 respectively.

Giant steps have been taken for the completion of the construction operation of the aforementioned projects in the current year, the managing director concluded.